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phone:15838128858  17388220863
Contacts:Shi Yanxiang
health knowledge
In life, why do people who read Buddha a [2018/5/23] (点击948)
Dharma is a healthy education, Dharma is [2018/5/23] (点击1086)
What is health? In general, physical str [2018/5/23] (点击2949)
Buddhist scriptures: Why do people get s [2018/5/23] (点击2402)
The truth about the weakness of the Budd [2018/5/23] (点击6658)
Buddha said that the infinite amount of [2018/5/23] (点击2292)
[Common sense? Health] Transcribing Budd [2018/5/23] (点击1089)
Buddhist scriptures tell us why people a [2018/5/23] (点击1111)
The Buddhist scriptures record the longe [2018/5/23] (点击891)
Yi Jin Jing's fitness method [2018/5/21] (点击702)
"Yi Jin Jing" you can learn a good helpe [2018/5/21] (点击697)
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